person typing on a laptop with a numbers overlay on top

APA Numbers

APA uses the American style imperial standard system of measurement, although it does allow the use of the metric system of measurement if there is a need for it. If you need it, the APA style manual contains listings of approximate metric equivalences and methods for conversion. For example: 60 Read more…

PhD writing on a book cover

What Does PhD Stand For?

PhD stands for “Doctor of Philosophy.” It represents someone who has gone beyond undergraduate and master’s degrees and moved to a high point of knowledge and technical competence within a certain area. Even more importantly, it represents the creation of knowledge within that area through original research. What Makes a Read more…

APA Font Size: A Guide to Proper Formatting

Before the 7th edition of the APA Style Manual, there were not many options for the font size and style. However, the 7th edition allows for a variety of font sizes and styles. The range for the font sizes is from 8 to 14 points, and the font styles are those that allow for the greatest readability. For the written text, usually the preferred size is from 10 point to 12 point. There are also new rules for using bold and italics.

Two podcast hosts talking

Citing a Podcast in APA Style (7th Edition)

Podcasts are a source of valuable and citable information. Podcasts are digital audio or video broadcasts that can be accessed and downloaded online or downloaded to personal devices. In some instances, podcasts may contain both audio and visual components. They are copyrighted information, so it is necessary provide a reference to avoid copyright infringement and plagiarism risks. APA provides separate formats for an entire podcast, a transcript of a podcast, and an individual episode. 
